

The contents in the Course catalogue TUCaN always have priority over the content on this website.

Lectures will be provided as recorded slide presentation and exercises as homework with a discussion forum. Please find all relevant information and links in the corresponding Moodle course.

18-me-2020 Introduction to Spintronics

Regular cycle: Winter semester
Event type: Lecture and exercise
Language: English
Hours per week: 3+1
CP: 6
Instructors: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Markus Meinert
Displayed in timetable as: E: Intr. Spintronics

18-me-2030-pj Project seminar Spintronic Devices

Regular cycle: Winter semester
Summer semester
Event type: Project Seminar
Language: German and English
Hours per week: 3
Instructors: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Markus Meinert
Displayed in timetable as: PJ Spintronische Bau

18-me-2040-se Nanoelectronics

Regular cycle: Summer semester
Event type: Seminar
Language: English
Hours per week: 1
Instructors: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Markus Meinert
Displayed in timetable as: SE Nanoelec

Lab and Exercises

18-st-2070-pr Introduction to Scientific Computing with Python

Scientific computing is introduced via six case studies. Exemplary engineering problems that are know from basic engineering courses are solved on a computer using fundamental methods from numerical mathematics.
Regular cycle: Summer semester
Event type: practical / lab / internship
Language: German
Hours per week: 2
CP: 4
Instructors: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sebastian Schöps
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Florian Steinke
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Markus Meinert
Displayed in timetable as: PR Einf.Scien.Compu.

18-me-2050-pr Thin films and spintronics lab

Scientific computing is introduced via six case studies. Exemplary engineering problems that are know from basic engineering courses are solved on a computer using fundamental methods from numerical mathematics.
Regular cycle: Winter semester
Summer semester
Event type: practical / lab / internship
Language: Englisch
Hours per week: 3
Instructors: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Markus Meinert
M.Sc. Tiago de Oliveira Schneider
Displayed in timetable as: PR Thin film spintr.