

The contents in the Course catalogue TUCaN always have priority over the content on this website.

Lectures will be provided as recorded slide presentation and exercises as homework with a discussion forum. Please find all relevant information and links in the corresponding Moodle course.

Regular cycle: Winter semester
Event type: Lecture and exercise
Language: German
Hours per week: 2+1
CP: 4
Instructors: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sascha Preu
Displayed in timetable as: VL HBE
Regular cycle: Summer semester
Event type: Lecture and exercise
Language: English
Hours per week: 3+1
CP: 6
Instructors: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sascha Preu
Displayed in timetable as: VL Opt. Comm.
UE Opt. Comm.
Regular cycle: Summer semester
Event type: Lecture and exercise
Language: English
Hours per week: 2+1
CP: 4
Instructors: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sascha Preu
Displayed in timetable as: VL TerahertzSystems
UE TerahertzSystems
Regular cycle: Winter semester
Event type: Lecture and exercise
Language: English
Hours per week: 2+1
CP: 4
Instructors: PD Dr.-Ing. Oktay Yilmazoglu
Displayed in timetable as: VL Hochfr.-Tech.II
UE Hochfr.-Tech.II


Interested students please directly contact Prof. Sascha Preu for definition of a topic:

The summer school takes place in collaboration with other european Universities. It covers the reasearch fields of the participating institituions, including the fundamentals and the latest deveolpments of microwave electronics, THz technology, and optical communication systems. The lectures will be given in english. The Students shall make themselves familiar with a given practical topic together with other students.

Please send a transcript of your marks in TUCAN to Prof. Sascha Preu:
Regular cycle: Summer semester
Event type: Seminar
Language: English
Instructors: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sascha Preu
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Jakoby
Prof. (em.) Dr.-Ing. Dr.h.c. Hans Ludwig Hartnagel
Displayed in timetable as: Int. Sommerschule
Interested in a literature seminar?
  • Read published books or papers on a given subject in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.
  • Write a summary and
  • present it using multi media technology.
Interested students please directly contact Prof. Sascha Preu for definition of a topic:
Regular cycle: Winter semester
Summer semester
Event type: Introductory Seminar Course
Language: German and English
CP: 2
Instructors: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sascha Preu
Displayed in timetable as: Proseminar ETiT
Interested in lab experience?
We offer seminar topics related to current research topics in the TSYS laboratory. The seminar deals with investigating and solving specific problems concerning the development of Terahertz devices as well as of applications of THz technology and optics. The seminar includes working on a given task, searching and analyzing of scientific reference publications, organizing, structuring and carrying out related research in the lab, summarizing achieved results and conclusions by means of a written report, presenting achieved results and conclusions and defending them in an oral discussion including audience. Topics include, e.g.:
  • Optics on chip
  • 2. Semiconductor devices
  • 3. Light-matter interaction
  • 4. Spectroscopy
  • 5. Imaging
  • 6. Communication
Interested students please directly contact Prof. Sascha Preu for definition of a topic:
Regular cycle: Winter semester
Summer semester
Event type: Project Seminar
Language: German and English
CP: 9
Instructors: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sascha Preu
Displayed in timetable as: PS THz Komp. & Anw.
Interested in lab experience?
We offer seminar topics related to current research topics in the TSYS laboratory. The seminar deals with investigating and solving specific problems concerning the development of Terahertz devices as well as of applications of THz technology and optics. The seminar includes working on a given task, searching and analyzing of scientific reference publications, organizing, structuring and carrying out related research in the lab, summarizing achieved results and conclusions by means of a written report, presenting achieved results and conclusions and defending them in an oral discussion including audience. Topics include, e.g.:
  • Optics on chip
  • 2. Semiconductor devices
  • 3. Light-matter interaction
  • 4. Spectroscopy
  • 5. Imaging
  • 6. Communication
Interested students please directly contact Prof. Sascha Preu for definition of a topic:
Regular cycle: Winter semester
Summer semester
Event type: Project Seminar
Language: German and English
CP: 8
Instructors: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sascha Preu
Displayed in timetable as: KTS
This module can be used as replacement for the “project week”.
The description of this module is similar to 18-pr-1041 Project Seminar Communication and Sensor Systems
Interested students please directly contact Prof. Sascha Preu for definition of a topic:
Regular cycle: Winter semester
Summer semester
Event type: Project Seminar
Language: German and English
Instructors: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sascha Preu
Displayed in timetable as: Erg. PS KTS
Interested in lab experience?
We offer seminar topics related to current research topics in the TSYS laboratory. The seminar deals with investigating and solving specific problems concerning the development of Terahertz devices as well as of applications of THz technology and optics. The seminar includes working on a given task, searching and analyzing of scientific reference publications, organizing, structuring and carrying out related research in the lab, summarizing achieved results and conclusions by means of a written report, presenting achieved results and conclusions and defending them in an oral discussion including audience. Topics include, e.g.:
  • Optics on chip
  • 2. Semiconductor devices
  • 3. Light-matter interaction
  • 4. Spectroscopy
  • 5. Imaging
  • 6. Communication
Interested students please directly contact Prof. Sascha Preu for definition of a topic:
Regular cycle: Winter semester
Summer semester
Event type: Project Seminar
Language: German and English
CP: 4
Instructors: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sascha Preu
Displayed in timetable as: SE THz Komp. & Anw.


The Praktikum KTS is Cancelled for the WiSe ‘20/’21 and will be conducted in SS ‘21. This postpone is one time exception made in regards with the current pandemic situation and after this it will happen in regular Winter Semester. For further queries please contact :
Regular cycle: Winter semester
Event type: Internship
Language: German and English
Hours per week: 3
CP: 5
Instructors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Jakoby;
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anja Klein;
Dr.-Ing. Martin Schüßler
Displayed in timetable as: Praktikum KTS